Delivering efficient, cost effective power generation from biomass
Interest is growing in the upcoming BioPower Generation Summit , taking place in Brussels from 9-10 April. v This exciting event provides a forum for leading utilities, policy makers, financiers and solution providers and be fully updated on the business opportunities in large scale biomass production.
"Favourable conditions in EU markets and the development of new technologies are providing a positive outlook for the biopower generation markets", according to event speaker Harrie Knoef of BTG Biomass, "the main barriers to market development are finance and sustainable policy".
Experts from 25 organisations will be speaking at this event including representatives from the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Vattenfall, Enel, RWE nPower, E.On, CEZ, Göteborg Energi, Essent Energy Trading, Electrabel, NIBC Bank, Ernst & Young, UK Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and Alstom Power.
With sessions focusing on deploying commercially viable co-firing, dedicated biomass and gasification plants, regulation, sustainability, finance and technological innovations, the event will provide you with actionable solutions to develop a large scale biomass for power generation strategy.
We are offering 3 delegate spots for the price of 2 for this event and encourage you to take advantage of this offer and sign-up soon.
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To book your place at this event please register online now or email Alternatively fax your completed PDF booking form to us on +44 207 900 1853, quoting BPW08/EM3.
 Matthew Probyn Marketing Manager Green Power Conferences
60 Second Interview with Harrie Knoef of BTG Biomass
What do you and your company do in the BioPower Generation sector? We do consultancy and technology development in the biomass sector, in particular we develop projects in which we facilitate manufacturers to sell equipment to specific markets. In most cases these are portfolio type of projects involving CDM or JI schemes
How do you see the market for biopower generation developing in the next 3 years? Positive, because of several reasons: (1) the public awareness on global warming is raising quickly, while the public objections are decreasing, (2) in many EU countries favourable conditions are created which can act as showcases to other countries, (3) new technologies are being developed and will continue in future to be developed. What are the biggest short term challenges to market growth? Finance and sustainable policy. It is obvious that money is needed for R&D work, but also for demonstration and reducing the risks for new "first-of-its-kind" technologies. The European policy and directives are transposed into national regulations/legislations, but quite differently in several EU countries. Some have sustainable (positive) stimulating policies like Germany, but several other countries they do not like in the Netherlands. In such cases, investors are very reluctant to invest.
What do you think are the most exciting innovations in this area at the moment? There are several exciting innovations, but the production of second generation biofuels is certainly one of them. The Biorefinery concept is also interesting and innovative. The interest in power production from waste by innovative clean technologies is increasing due to the awareness that biomass availability is becoming scarce when they are deployed at larger scale.
Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities
Sponsors of the BioPower Generation Summit will benefit from:
» Networking with an international audience of bioenergy professionals » Extensive profiling on the website, brochure and e-marketing campaign » Extensive on-site branding at the event
A range of sponsorship opportunities are available (gala dinner, cocktail reception, bag, lanyard, badge sponsor etc) which offer excellent branding to help promote your company to a targeted group of industry executives.
Contact Mathew Edassery to discuss your sponsorship and/or exhibition requirements.
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 Established in 2003, Green Power Conferences was the first to offer professionally organized events focusing on the sustainability sector. Over the last four years, we have welcomed over 5000 delegates from 76 countries and built a global database of 110,000+ contacts. Our expertise lies in producing high quality, interactive conferences that provide ample networking opportunities for delegates and partners alike.
Our four streams of sustainability events include Renewables, Biofuels, Carbon Markets and Corporate Climate Response. Each stream is led by a team of market research professionals who ensure our events provide in-depth discussions and the latest industry updates in these fast-moving sectors. With a global portfolio of 30 events, Green Power Conferences is helping to accelerate the uptake of sustainable business practices from Rio to Hong Kong. We also walk the talk, by offsetting all our commercial activities through renewable energy projects around the world. | | |
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