no estas solo o sola en el mundo. si te ha gustado un articulo, compártelo, envialo a las Redes Sociales, facebook, twitter

La actividad agropecuaria es la actividad productiva más antigua de la humanidad; este simple hecho implica que es el sector que ha experimentado el mayor número de políticas públicas.

viernes, febrero 17, 2006

Bless Steve Rubel and (Tom Peter's Newswire for noticing):

10 Commandments for The Era of Participatory Public Relations

So, please tell me a law firm that these do not apply to (these are the handy work of Steve Rubel (Micro Persuasion) noticed referenced today on Tom Peter's Newswire:

1) Thou shall listen – Utilize every avenue available to you to listen actively to what your publics have to say and feed it back to the right parties.

2) Remember that all creatures great and small are holy – It doesn't matter if it's the New York Times calling on you or an individual blogger, both have power. Take them all seriously.

3) Honor thy customer – Create programs that celebrate customers and they will celebrate you.

4) Thou shall not be fake – Keep it real; don't hide behind characters and phony IDs.

5) Covet thy customers – Don’t sue your fans. You will alienate them.

6) Thou shall be open and engaging – Involve your customers in the PR process. Invite them to help you develop winning ideas and become your spokespeople.

7) Thou shall embrace bloggingIt’s not a fad, it’s here to stay. Be part of it.

8) Thou shall banish corporate speak – People want to here from you in a human voice. Don’t hind behind corporate speak. It will soon sound like ye olde English.

9) Thou shall tell the truth – If you don’t tell the truth, it will come out anyway.

10) Thou shall thinketh in 360 degrees – Ask not what you can do for your customer, but also what your customer can do for you.

Sincerely yours Rodrigo González Fernández