| World Biofuels Markets is the premier business networking congress and exhibition for the global renewable fuels industry. Over 100 high level industry executives from 21 countries are already confirmed to attend, over 650 are expected. Industry leaders confirmed to speak include:
| Al Gore, Chairman, Generation Investment Management & Former Vice President of the USA | - Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist, International Energy Agency
- Philip New, President, Global Biofuels, BP
- Alfonso Gonzalez Finat, Director for New & Renewable Energy, European Commission
- Jack van den Hoek, GM, Biodiesel and Biomass, Cargill Europe
- Andrew Owens, Chief Executive Officer, Greenergy
- Klaus Henschel, Chief Executive Officer,Biopetrol Industries
- Michael Feldman, Vice President, Goldman Sachs
- Jacques Blondy, Director, Agriculture Development, Total
- Malcolm Shepherd, Chief Executive Officer,Green Spirit Fuels
- John Mullins, Chief Executive Officer,Bioverda
- Dr Hartmut Heinrich, Head of Fuels & Lubricants, Volkswagen
- Stephen Gatto, Chief Executive Officer, BioEnergy LLC
- Andrew de Pass, Managing Director, Citigroup CVCI
- Danilo Coronacion, Chief Executive Officer, CIIF Oil Mills
- Jeff Stroburg, Chief Executive Officer,REG
- Michael Raab, Chief Executive Officer, Agrivida
- Andrew Kingston, Chief Executive Officer, Dynamotive
- Lutz Guderjahn, Chief Operating Officer, CropEnergies
- Mohamad Hj. Hassan, Senior Executive Director, FELDA
- Richard Jones, Head of Fuel Competance Centre, OMV
- Artur Thernesz, Director, MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Co
- Will Whitehorn, Corporate Affairs Director, Virgin Group
- Jan-Kees Via, Director of Sustainable Agriculture, Unilever
- Andy Fisher, Managing Director, Australian Farmers Fuel
- Tom Murray, Managing Director, Debt Capital, West LB
- Matthias Fawer, Vice President, Sustainability, Bank Sarasin,
- Barry Cahill, Fuels Associate, PSA Peugeot
- Jens Riese, Partner, McKinsey & Company
- Eric M. Bowen, Vice President, Energy, Sigma Capital
- David Fennema, Vice President, Marathon Capital LLC
- Ke Binsheng, Director General, Rural Economy, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture
- Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Rural Development & Food Security, United Nations Office for Project Services
- Camilla Dowling, Environmental Manager, OKQ8
- Paul Temple, Vice President, UK National Farmers Union
- Greg Archer, Director, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
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